第五代:(甫釗)兄:鍾世甫之弟:鍾釗公,又名鍾昭生 CHUNG CHIU SANG,MOSES, 鍾妹及鍾五妹,生於光緒十三年(1887)六月初五日午時;妻,趙貴好 CHIU KWAI HO,MARIA, 又名趙五,生於光緒十九年(1893)六月初八日酉時。
第六代:次子,鍾榮 CHUNG WING,RAPHAEL, 生於民國十年辛酉年十二月初七日子時,(西曆 Jan 4, 1922) ;職業:香港皇家警務處,警長,1941年7月28日入伍,1977年5月10日退休;終於加拿大多倫多,西曆1999年9月19日已時;妻,陳仲萍 CHAN CHUNG PING,JOSEPHINA, 生於民國十四年乙丑年潤四月初七日巳時 (西曆 Sep 5, 1925),生有五男二女。Address 地址: 359 Riel Drive, Mississauga, Ont L5B 3K3, Canada. Phone 電: 905-279-3949。
第七代:次子,鍾仁慶,Henry,乳名亞B,Email: hkhkus@gmail.com , Web site: www.123henry.com,美國電話, Cell 手堤: 650-219-8928,生於西曆1949年9月17日丑時,畢業於香港理工大學,建築及工程管理,事業: 在美投資地產至富,Real Estate Investment;首妻,甄惠清,次妻,關媚芬,生於西曆1959年10月19日卯時,畢業於三藩市州立大學,會計,職業:Financial Controller,生有一對双女,現居美國三藩市,Address︰239 Helen Drive, Millbrae, CA 94030, USA。
This is a long form text area designed for your content that you can fill up with as many words as your heart desires. You can write articles, long mission statements, company policies, executive profiles, company awards/distinctions, office locations, shareholder reports, whitepapers, media mentions and other pieces of content that don’t fit into a shorter, more succinct space.
Articles – Good topics for articles include anything related to your company – recent changes to operations, the latest company softball game – or the industry you’re in. General business trends (think national and even international) are great article fodder, too.
Mission statements – You can tell a lot about a company by its mission statement. Don’t have one? Now might be a good time to create one and post it here. A good mission statement tells you what drives a company to do what it does.
Company policies – Are there company policies that are particularly important to your business? Perhaps your unlimited paternity/maternity leave policy has endeared you to employees across the company. This is a good place to talk about that.
Executive profiles – A company is only as strong as its executive leadership. This is a good place to show off who’s occupying the corner offices. Write a nice bio about each executive that includes what they do, how long they’ve been at it, and what got them to where they are.
This is a content preview space you can use to get your audience interested in what you have to say so they can’t wait to learn and read more. Pull out the most interesting detail that appears on the page and write it here.
第六代:長子,鍾志和 CHUNG CHI WO,生於民國元年, 1912年,十月十日戌時;
第一任妻,陳氏,1940 年去世,第二任,妻黎氏,1942年去世,同葬香港鑽石山墳場,
第三任妻,洗月娥 SIN NGOR,終於民國71年(1982)四月初三午時。
第六代:長子,鍾志和 CHUNG CHI WO,生於民國元年, 1912年,十月十日戌時;
第一任妻,陳氏,1940 年去世,第二任,妻黎氏,1942年去世,同葬香港鑽石山墳場,
第三任妻,洗月娥 SIN NGOR,終於民國71年(1982)四月初三午時。
第六代:次子,鍾榮 CHUNG WING,RAPHAEL, 生於民國十年辛酉年十二月初七日子時,(西曆 Jan 4, 1922) ;
妻,陳仲萍 CHAN CHUNG PING,JOSEPHINA, 生於民國十四年乙丑年潤四月初七日巳時 (西曆 Sep 5, 1925),
生有五男二女。Address 地址: 359 Riel Drive, Mississauga, Ont L5B 3K3, Canada. Phone 電: 905-279-3949。
第六代:三子,鍾林 CHUNG YUN LAM,又名鍾潤林,生於西曆1927年9月12日,職業:高級消防員,1947 年入伍,1980 年退休;妻,葉素梅 YIP SO MUI,生有一男四女。
第六代:又三子,鍾強,又名鍾志強 ,是鍾釗公,隣居之子,日治時代從兵抗日,在香港遇次子鍾榮相聚,第七代子女稱之為三叔,或波三叔,親如一家, 住址: 九龍何文田村, 靜文樓, 7/F, 716室, Tel: 2333-3992。
第六代:四子,鍾坤,又名鍾錦坤 CHUNG KAM KWAN,生於西曆1934年11月17日,職業:電報局電單車派電報員,1955 年入伍;妻,李淑雯 LEE SHUK MAN,生有一女二男。
住址:香港筲箕灣,耀福摟,10樓,1004室。 Home Phone: 852-2513-6497
第六代:大女,鍾彩玉 CHUNG CHOI YUK,生於西曆1926年8月25日,住慈雲山,電:2306-1129。
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